Hi, I'm back. Rasa cam dah lame je jari aku ni tak menari kpop kat atas keyboard ni. Dah berhari-hari aku terpaksa menanggung kesakitan yg teramat menyiksa kepalaku. Alhamdulillah, walaupun xla sihat sepenuhnya sebab aku masih rasa dunia berpusing2 tapi bolehlah aku jlnkan tugas aku dua, tiga ari ni. Oklah, entri hari ni bukan nak mengadu aku sakit tapi nak kongsi tentang cerita yg aku suka. Klau yg ada ASTRO, mungkin tahu pasal ini cerita, HAVEN, satu siri baru kat cenel DIVA.
Aku ni memang jenis yg sukaaaaa cerita2 misteri camni so, dgn tak sabarnya sebab malas nak tunggu cerita ni kuar kat DIVA seminggu sekali maka aku pun pergilah berpoya-poya kat Youtube. Tanpa diajar lagi jari aku pun menari menaip perkataan "Haven season 1 episode 3" (aku dah tgk sampai ep 2 kat DIVA). Dan hasilnya, bukan setakat ep 3 je aku tgk, sampai season 2 pun aku layan, dalam masa 2 hari aku berjaya tgk cerita ni sampai habis. Cuma nak tunggu ep finale for season 2 sebab kat over-c sana x main lg. Bagi sape-sape yg nak tgk citer ni bleh tgk kat cenel Blackcat509 (tuk season 1) & ReturnOfTheSkyRaider (season 2). 2 cenel ni je yg best sbb korg bleh tgk direk kat youtube, yg lain2 cam hampeh je sb bg korg link yg ntah ape2.
Kat bwh ni ader sket in4 tentang ini story..
Sinopsis (bleh baca kat wiki n sidereel tuk every ep)
FBI agent Audrey Parker arrives in Haven, Maine, to help the local police and joins forces with the Chief's son, Nathan Warnous. Whilst helping with everything in the small town Audrey finds out truths she never would've expected and together she and Nathan begin to unravel the 'troubles' that surround the local area and begin to become more and more engrossed with what is causing the strange occurences that are terrifying and even killing the locals. (Malas nak translate so, copy n paste je)
Emily Rose as Audrey Parker
Lucas Bryant as Nathan Wournos
Eric Balfour as Duke Crocker
Lucas Bryant as Nathan Wournos
Eric Balfour as Duke Crocker